The most recent Second Saturday was a presentation on Lasagna Gardening. The two Master Gardeners Cynthia Bailey and Andrea Lewandowski put together a great presentation describing the techniques and the reasons for gardening this way. It is a type of gardening that requires no digging and relies on layers of materials to benefit the garden. As Cynthia expressed, it is easy on the back and cheap. This is a great method for all gardeners interested in organic gardening and making gardening a lifelong easier job.

As I was reading about Lasagna Gardening I came across an article in motherearthnews about Ruth Stout. Who is she? One of the first persons to advocate "No Dig" gardening. Ruth wrote a book in the 60's with the title "Gardening without work" For the aging, the Busy and the Indolent. Her bio is fascinating and shows the best practices for gardening are always alive and well in the gardening circles. Enjoy.
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