Thursday, October 11, 2012

Labeling and marking plants for winter

Do you have a perennial garden or bulbs that have lost or are losing their foliage? Now is the time to label them and put notes in your garden journal. You will be thankful next spring when everything starts popping up and you know what needs to be transplanted or where not to dig. It also will help you plan next year's garden. Labeling your plants

The best labels are galvanized wires and zinc nameplates. You can also make your own nameplates with a variety of items. Check out our  pinterest link for some ideas.

It is also helpful to take photo's of your garden as it grows and note in your journal  Garden Journals the space it needs and how it grew during the growing season. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the idea of using broken terra cotta pots for labels! Mine break all the time, and I hate to throw them away.
