Amarylis are wonderful flowers to force in the dead of winter to give the gardener a ray of sunshine. In two previous blogs two Master Gardeners gave instructions on Forcing Amarylis and also how to grow your bulbs through the summer to get them strong and happy for the next year.

The original instructions I followed were about forcing the bulbs provided by the vendor at the time of purchase. I was remiss in actually growing the bulbs in my garden for the summer. I left them in their pots and kept them in my home on a sunny window. The leaves were often weak and could not carry their weight. This year I took them outside and potted them in a container in a partly sunny spot and watered them infrequently. My foliage has been the strongest and greenest I have ever seen. Even the one I thought was dead has bulked up and looks like it may have a chance to bloom.
For more information I found several interesting websites:
Additional info
Martha Stewert Forcing Bulbs
The United States National Arboretum
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